
Ускорение сайтов

Ускорение сайтов

The site loading speed is one of the important factors in the ranking of the site by search engines. If your site loads for a long time, the search engine will lower you in the search results. In addition, a slow website is the reason for user departures. According to statistics, a website loading for more than 2 seconds loses up to half of the traffic!

What does page loading consist of?

Loading a website page is a complex process consisting of various sequential actions. In order not to bore you, we have highlighted only the most important:

Page creation time

In terms of Yandex Metrics (the report can be found in  Reports → Standard Reports → Monitoring → Page loading time) is the "Time before Rendering". This is the time from the beginning of the transition to the page until the moment when the page begins to be rendered in the browser. It is this value that is subjectively perceived by the visitor as the loading speed of the site. It usually takes no more than two seconds.


Page rendering time.

In Yandex Metrica terms, this is the "Time to load the DOM" — the time from the start of the transition to the page to the full loading of the page with all its components (images, CSS, scripts, etc.). This is the time after which the page becomes available for user interaction.

Page creation time

In terms of Yandex Metrics (the report can be found in  Reports → Standard Reports → Monitoring → Page loading time) is the "Time before Rendering". This is the time from the beginning of the transition to the page until the moment when the page begins to be rendered in the browser. It is this value that is subjectively perceived by the visitor as the loading speed of the site. It usually takes no more than two seconds.

Page rendering time

In Yandex Metrica terms, this is the "Time to load the DOM" — the time from the start of the transition to the page to the full loading of the page with all its components (images, CSS, scripts, etc.). This is the time after which the page becomes available for user interaction.

Google pagespeed

The most common tool. Some recommendations are useful, but they are averaged for all sites, do not take into account the individual characteristics of the site and are not all feasible, besides, they often do not show the real download speed, it happens that the indicator is above average (70-80), but visually for users, the page opens for a long time anyway, so it is not worth relying only on these recommendations.

Site Admin panels

The most accurate measurement tool, because it takes into account the specifics of the work of this particular site. Unfortunately, not all CMS have such a tool. 1C-Bitrix and HOSTCMS - fortunately, they do. I especially want to praise Bitrix for their "Performance Monitor". The assessment is carried out according to a set of criteria, including hosting characteristics, the presence of development or configuration problems, the user part, etc.

Third-party services

One of the most famous is the built-in tool in the browser console - in Chrome, press F12 and go to the Network tab. The service is also visual tools.pingdom.com


The most universal method of measurement, because it is independent of admins, and, most importantly, stores the measurement history, so you can always check "how it was" and "how it became".

What leads to slow operation of the site
Programming errors
They are allowed already at the stage of website development or during its "optimization". For example, the connection of scripts and styles in the template - the connection code was non-standard, the standard was connected, the loading time of styles and scripts was reduced.

System Configuration Features
The use of individual components or settings can reduce performance at times. The work of the site is slowed down by the incorrect organization of information blocks, the use of a large number of aggregating samples, etc.

Suboptimal use of the site
An administrator or content manager may upload images that are too "heavy" and if their compression is not performed automatically, page loading will slow down.

Incorrect choice of hosting or tariff
Reduced site performance, slow loading of its pages, insufficient performance are often associated with hosting.
Caching Settings
Optimization of caching settings helps to save server resources and maintain a normal level of site performance even with high traffic or during peak load periods.

Implementation period
within 10 days
12 months

An additional tab for posting information about services, delivery or other important content. This will help you answer the buyer's questions and clear his doubts about the purchase. Use it at your own discretion.

You can remove it or return it back by changing one checkbox in the component settings. Very comfortably.

Our advantages

Website support

Website maintenance after development

Server for the site

Your server for better site performance

SEO promotion

Initial SEO optimization


Ability to edit content and options


Site security

Kontextli ad

Free setup provides sales from the first day of launch

Answers to popular questions

Will I be able to edit the site myself in the future?

Yes, we can train your employees in all possible content edits on the site. We can also record video tutorials.

What CMS are you using?

We can work with all CMS. For each individual case, we select the best option, depending on the budget and tasks. For example, for a service site, most often, the most optimal solution is WordPress. For an online store - Opencart.

Do you work on a prepaid basis?

Yes, we work with a phased prepayment.

Who will fill the site?

The cost of development includes filling one standard page. If necessary, we can take all the filling ourselves as part of an additional service.

What is the time frame for website development?

It all depends on the size of the site and the complexity of the terms of reference. If you need a landing page, then it may take 2 weeks to develop it, if a multi-page site with complex functionality - several months

Do you have site support in the future?

Yes, you can contact us for any questions after development.

Will the site get positions in Yandex and Google?

The development service includes basic SEO optimization, which will provide the first results. But in cases where the site is young, or the niche is competitive, basic optimization may not be enough, and a deeper study will be needed.

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