
Which hosting to choose for SEO website promotion

Collaboration materials from Reddock hosting
Proper SEO promotion will help bring the site to a higher level for basic queries and attract more customers. And that means more income. According to Zero Limit Web, on the first page of Google, 67.6 percent of clicks from 1 to 5 receive 67.6 percent, and only 3.73 percent of clicks from 6 to 10. The role of the project in search results depends on many factors: page relevance, behavior factors, site citation, hosting settings, etc.The article tells what to look for when choosing a hosting to improve the effectiveness of SEO website promotion.

Place your site in a paid hosting

The site can be placed in free and paid hosting. However, you should not save money, because the only plus of free hosting is the price. You will get hosting with poor performance and lack of support. One such server receives a large number of customers who have websites. Therefore, their projects are especially dangerous: they can affect your site with viruses, attacks, search spam. In addition, free hosting does not provide any guarantees for the maintenance of your site. In case of failure or forced transfer to a paid plan, all files and data will belong to the provider: you cannot take them and place the site in another hosting.

Choose reliable and fast hosting

It is important that the hosting provider is reliable. Its servers must have high operating times and be protected from DDoS attacks and viruses. Working time is the time of continuous operation of online projects without interruptions. The closer the indicator is to 100%, the more stable the hosting will work. Working time from 100% almost never occurs, since force majeure is possible both for hosting and for your site. Frequent server failures affect the indexing of Site Pages: not only users, but also search robots will not be able to access the site. If it has not been available for some time, the systems will remove it from the database. Also pay attention to speed. This affects the speed at which visitors view the site, and this affects the ranking in the search results. Excellent speed is provided by modern hardware, software and optimization for the CMS used. Learn more about speed in the article "what affects the performance of a site: about the speed and capacity of hosting". Note that even with paid shared hosting tariffs, there is a chance that customers on the same server will be affected. For example, someone can exceed the load. Because of this, it is possible to reduce the speed of other sites. For greater security, choose the tariffs of a virtual or dedicated server - the client uses only the server provided for them.

Use SSL certificate

Search engines rely on safe sites, so it is imperative to have the appropriate SSL certificate. This ensures the exchange of data between the user and the site. It is safe because it is carried out by encrypting the transmitted information. There are free and paid SSL certificates. Free is good for small projects. Paid certificates have extended functionality and customer support. The main difference between paid certificates is the availability of guarantees. When purchasing a free let's Encrypt certificate, the certificate authority has no obligation to the user.

Get ready for new guests

Are you launching the campaign and waiting for orders to increase? In Reddock's article, find out how the influx of many visitors affects the work of the site and how to avoid closing the online store. Take 3 tips and helpful notes to start the campaign.
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